Your ultimate company pitch

Write a short summary of your pitch, remember you'll want to entice people to click to read the full article.

Introduce the team. This part is very important, but most people tend to skip it. By doing so, you are introducing yourself, your co-founders and your company. A crucial step in creating a bond with your audience and making you relatable.

Some ideas:

  1. I am X, and I am here with my co-founders Y, and Z.
  2. We are Company X, and our mission is to help Y around the world do Z.
Upload pictures or search with the library

Give an Overview

This is also extremely important, but one of the most overlooked sections. Give the readers an outline of all the information you are going to tell them. It will then be much easier for them to connect the dots.

Things to say:

  1. We are making a product that does X.
  2. Then we're going to let you know why our customers are so excited about our solution.
  3. We'll also let you about the market opportunity, where we're at now, and where we are going.
  4. It's a good idea to add a short explanatory video here. If you don't have one, you can record yourself talking or just skip it for the time being.
Youtube video embed

Describe the Problem

Here you will need to describe the problem in layman terms so that everyone in the audience can understand. Even if your problem is commonplace, you shouldn't assume that your audience knows what you are talking about. Or, even if they are aware of the problem, they don't know how large it is.

The goal here is to have them relate to it and make them conscious of how impactful and painful of a problem it is, and people are begging to have it solved. Also, many problems are illustrated with stories, as they activate people's brains. So, tell stories!

Things to mention:

  1. What are the problems? Point them out step-by-step.
  2. How long this problem has been around. Is it new or old?
  3. Mention how no one has been able to solve it. Elaborate on the problems that it causes.
  4. Mention your target customers. Include a picture of the target customer and give them a name.
  5. Tell a story of the target customer's day addressing how the problem plays a role.
  6. Describe how the problem interferes with the customer's work.
  7. How painful is the problem? Does it cause time and/or money to be wasted? Is it frustrating?
  8. Emphasize so that the audience can relate to it.
  9. Use the correct keywords that your target customers resonate with. Brains are wired to respond to keywords and not descriptions.
  10. People listen to stories, not features or benefits. Stories will help them remember your brand.
Interactive table embed
Interactive Instagram post embed

Size of the Problem

Most people will not know how big of a problem it is before you tell them. Explain why they should care by letting them know that this is a problem that affects tens of millions of people, and not 100 people.

Here are some ideas:

  1. According to the study, there are X people in Y country/world that have this problem.
  2. Here's the data to back it up. (Optional)
  3. If you ask 100 people out of the X people, at least Y% of those will tell you they have this problem.
ChartBlocks interactive graph embed

The Solution

Now that you have convinced the audience, now is the time to let them know that you are here to save the world. In this section, tell them a high-level pitch of how your solution solves the problem. Mention some of the benefits that address the problems, and then go into a short demo use case.

To make your solution relevant and understandable, bring into perspective how much time or money is saved because of it.

Things to say:

  1. Tell them how your solution solves the problem.
  2. Mention 2-3 benefits of your solution that strengthens your claim.
  3. Transition into your demo, showing them how it works. Only show the process of the key features. The shorter and more to-the-point the demo is, the more powerful it will be. This is important so that the audience immediately sees how easily your solution can solve the problem.
  4. If you don't have a functioning demo, use mockups to put together a demo.
  5. Use a video or screenshots. Do not depend on the internet working for you.

Close it With Style

At this point, we're more or less done with the presentation. So, here is a very important section you want to deliver to help the audience remember when they wake up the next morning, or when you call them a few days later to ask for some help. Here you will summarize everything you've said so they can easily remember it.

See this as Steve Job's "One last thing". As insignificant as this may seem, this is how Steve Jobs makes everyone feel the magic.

There are a few ways you can close:

1. Go point by point to summarize the whole presentation succinctly and memorably. Try to put in all the main points. For instance, if you have traction, then always mention traction as one of the points.

Here's an example:

So today we discussed three points.

  1. About how content managers and creatives spend 80% of their time in a very inefficient way because their content creation processes are not centralized.
  2. The way StoryChief helps businesses in becoming a thought leader in their niche by centralizing their content creation and distribution processes.
  3. How companies like X or Y are already saving six hours on content distribution per week while multiplying their reach by ten.

2. Explain the problem again, and then the solution. Put all of that into perspective and in a memorable way. End it with an invitation to contact you with your contact information.

Example: "The problem is that content managers and creatives spend 80% their time in a very inefficient way because their processes are not centralized. Like when they were collaborating. Always going back between feedback and corrections. Dozens of different word documents in mailboxes with feedback all over the place.

Or when they were distributing their articles, adapting layout and uploading pictures to all those different platforms. Every single time. It’s very frustrating.

And they don’t have enough time to measure the results.

StoryChief allows businesses to collaborate on interactive articles and social posts, optimize the stories for search engines and even schedule campaigns for the whole year.

Once the final version is approved you can publish your stories to all your channels and to hundreds of destinations just with a click.

StoryChief will then start tracking the multichannel performance of your stories in a clear, understandable dashboard which you can share with all your stakeholders.

If you'd like to learn more about our tool. Please contact us through this form

Lead capture form embed that syncs with your CRM or an email address

Other tips:

  1. Communicate passion and drive. Tell them you have been growing, customers love us, and you think you are going to make it huge.
  2. Invite the customers to speak to you after the talk.
  3. Leave your contact information – phone + email.
  4. Content Writing Checklist
  5. Content Strategy Checklist

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